Within its main activity framework, the firm ‘’ARHIPLAN’’ltd. executes the following tasks:
- Preparation and development of all kinds of spatial plans (spatial plans of local government units and spatial plans of special purposes areas),
- Preparation and development of all kinds of urbanistic plans (general urbanistic plans, plans of general regulation and plans of detailed regulations),
- Development of all urbanistic and technical documents for the realization of planning documents (urbanistic projects, parcelling and reparcelling projects as well as projects for the correction of neighbouring land plots borders) and
- Applications, documents and application forms exchange in a unified electronic form procedure, in accordance with the article 8a of the Planning and Building Law, whose regulations have been applied since 1st January 2016.
‘’ARHIPLAN’’ ltd. Arandjelovac provides services to local government units, legal entities and individuals in a highly professional manner, obeying all the laws and following all the regulations and with a guaranty of efficient implementation of the overall procedure of plans approval.